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Advanced Orthopaedic Specialists

Spine Care

Back/Neck Pain Diagnosis and Treatments

Back and neck pain is one of the most common conditions that affect patients in the United States. Unfortunately, 60-90% of people will have back or neck pain at some point in their lifetime. Luckily, it is rare that back pain is due to a life-threatening condition and at least 75% of people improve to having no pain within 12 months according to multiple academic studies. The most important thing to treating your pain is identifying your specific pain generator and formulating an effective and efficient plan of treatment.Back and neck pain can be categorized into two major categories: radicular and axial.

Radicular Pain

Radicular pain (or “radiculopathy”) is back pain that starts in the lower back and radiates into the leg (or if in the neck radiates into the arm). At times, radicular symptoms can also cause weakness and/or numbness and tingling in the affected extremity. Radiculopathy is caused by the nerve roots in the spine being pinched by some abnormality. These abnormalities are often herniated discs, spinal stenosis (or narrowing), and/or degenerative changes in the joints of the vertebrae.

Axial Pain

Back or neck pain that remains only in the back or neck (there is no radiation down the arms or legs). Axial back pain is often caused by degeneration (wear and tear) of the facet joints of the spine. Other conditions that can cause axial back pain are: vertebral compression fractures, spondylolopathies, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Treating back and neck pain usually involves multiple avenues of pain relief including: physical therapy, medications, injections, and surgery.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is critical to improving back and neck pain. Specific programs are designed for patients to improve the strength and flexibility of certain muscle groups to allow better functioning of the joints of the spine and relieve pressure from irritated nerves. Physical therapy progresses to a home exercise program which allows improvements made to continue on a long-term basis.

The McKenzie Method of MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy)

is a method of assessment using an exercise-based approach to evaluate and create a treatment plan for all musculoskeletal issues. Using MDT approach, the goal is to create the most appropriate treatment regimen to eliminate the patient’s symptoms, restore full function, and provide patients with tools to self-treat and prevent recurrences.to eliminate the patient’s symptoms, restore full function, and provide patients with tools to self-treat and prevent recurrences. Learn More


Medications are helpful to relieve pain and allow toleration of physical therapy and home exercise programs. These medications include NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and nerve stabilizing medications. Opioids are rarely indicated in back or neck pain.


Injections are used for significant flares of pain. There are multiple injection options for treating your pain. Some procedures involve injecting steroids near the irritated nerve root or joint while others involve directly burning and destroying the nerves that provide sensation to the pain generator.

Often times, injections are utilized by your provided for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. It can often be tough to pinpoint the exact source for back and radicular pain. We often will utilize injections as a diagnostic tool which can aid in both pain relief as well as treatment/surgical planning.


Surgery is an option if all other treatments fail to effectively treat your pain or if there is a dangerous diagnosis that is identified that requires immediate surgical intervention. Here at AOS, we strive to manage patients nonoperatively if possible. However, if surgery is indicated, our goal is to offer procedures that are as minimally invasive as possible. These range from endoscopic surgeries for herniated discs, minimally invasive decompressions and fusions, and disc replacements. Drs. St.Clair and Hagan, and their team, are dedicated to identifying your pain generator, improving your symptoms, and getting you back to functional goals!


Endoscopic spine surgery is a new, innovative approach to spine surgery that allows for minimally invasive procedures to be performed through a scope. These procedures are similar to knee and shoulder scopes performed by our orthopaedic colleagues. They allow for an incision the size of a #2 pencil with minimal disruption of surrounding muscles, with a highly accurate and targeted approach to any pathology. These are typically utilized to remove herniated discs that are pinching on nerves. With this minimally invasive approach, patients are often back to full activities within a week with very little recovery.

MILD Procedure

The MILD (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression) is a treatment option that provides pain relief and improves mobility. Learn more about how the MILD procedures works: Watch the Video